Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My quest for self-discipline starts soon....

The past semester has been one of my most stressful by far. I have had 18 credits worth of classes that all had heavy work loads. Many things in my life have suffered. Namely, my sleep schedule, my waistline, and my motivation. Now that I only have a few more finals, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I have decided I need to run for it. Thus I have made the rash decision to attempt a 28-day cleanse. I know, I know... It sounds stupid and it probably is. But the whole theory supporting it is to help regulate your body and put it back on track and help retrain your brain to stop using food as a fix-all. It's not a crazy juice cleanse where the only thing you consume is lemonade with cheyenne pepper (YUCK), it's whole foods with no dairy, meat or gluten. I plan on starting next Monday, and I'm going to follow it to a 'T.'  All I really want to do is prove to myself that I am capable of making hard decisions and sticking to them!

I've never been on a diet and I'm not the type of person that it always obsessed with their weight. I like to stay active but how I feel is more important to me than those pesky numbers starring up at me. I love food and sometimes I don't care what it has in it. Other days I read the labels on my go-to-foods and realize that I'm getting absolutely nothing from them but chemicals, but dang those chemicals taste good! So starting Monday and for the next month, if you see me eating anything that I did not make in my own kitchen, steal it. And after I yell at you, I'll say thanks because you are a true friend.

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